Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Love Relationship

       Everyone wants a love relationship yet they are difficult to find. When we do find love it often ends up bringing more pain than good. Where can we find love that is true and honest? Where can we find love that doesn't hurt? We need love. God is love. God's love is eternal, it never fails. God does not create a 50/50 relationship - God brings 100%. Augustine said that "God loves each of us as if there were only one of us."  Nothing separates us from God's love. God does not judge. God does not cause pain. God's love is a gift. If we do nothing in turn God's love is still constant. Open yourself to God and receive the fullness of God's love. You need never feel alone again; you are always loved.

         Wait, you say there is still pain in the world. People are judging people unjustly every day. People are killed, injured, hurt everyday in every way. So how does my love relationship with God exist in such a world? For there to be a true love relationship with God there has to be free will. I have to be free to say to no to God's love for it to be true love. If God forced love on me it would not be love. Because we have free will we are free to make bad choices. Because God respects our freedom of choice God allows us to experience the consequences of our actions. Since all the earth has free will we sometimes reap the consequence of another's actions, a kind of ripple effect. So we don't blame God for the world we have created. We don't blame God for our choices or the choices of others. We can begin to change the world by making good choices and let their effects ripple. Start by saying yes to God's love. Feeling loved helps us feel better and we spread that wealth of love. Make a difference. www.fcccarrollton.org